Planning Application 19/00781/FUL 31 houses south-east of Burngreen Kippen.
The history to this application is that the field in question was identified for residential development on the Stirling Council Local Development Plan which in effect means that housing will be approved subject to fulfilling set criteria, although a previous application was rejected as the design did not address some key areas including flood risk and drainage issues. A revised Planning application was submitted on 24th October 2019 that addressed the previous issues and the statutory consultation process was re-started including a formal notice to the Kippen Community Council (KCC).
Following a public notice of the proposed development in the local press, KCC received a number of mainly opposing views from local residents in support of or against the development, citing a variety of reasons. The application was discussed at the well-attended regular KCC public meeting on 11th February 2020 in the Reading Rooms and it was agreed that further information was required before KCC was in a position to make a recommendation. The main areas of concern were the impact on traffic at Castlehill Loan and parking at the Doctors’ Surgery and KCC made a formal request to Stirling Council Planning Department for further information and proposals to address these concerns. The late Councillor Graham Lambie who also attended the meeting agreed that he would arrange a meeting at the Doctors’ Surgery on Castlehill Loan to enable KCC to discuss these concerns.
In view of the COVID-19 restrictions introduced in March 2020, the scheduled Planning meeting to discuss the application was cancelled; (subsequently replaced by a limited-access Zoom meeting); no formal response was provided to the request for further information on traffic management and the site meeting to discuss the impact did not take place.
The planning application has recently been approved and there is a comment in the “Report of Handling” from Stirling Council Transport Dept that “the increase in traffic as a result of the development will have no impact on the surrounding road network”. The approved application also contained a number of inaccuracies and changes to the original scheme that Councillor Berrill has agreed to take up with Stirling Council Planning Department.
Following approval of the application to develop 31 houses, a further application has recently been submitted to re-align the access road. This application is currently under consideration and has not yet been approved.