We now have a fixed dated for the essential tree works on the Village Green.
The work will be undertaken by a local professional tree surgeon on Tuesday and Wednesday 3rd and 4th May respectively. On both days access to the Village Green will be unavailable between 08.30 and 16.40 approximately, for obvious safety reasons.
As previously advised, at the end of the Works, there will be a mound of woodchips for anyone who wants – first come ——-! Great for kids’ play areas.
Claire · 26th April 2022 at 10:37 pm
Can you advise of what work will be carried out, in particular what trees are to be felled and for what reason? I have been unable to attend recent meetings and as my back garden faces the green with some of the trees overhanging, I am concerned about disruption and possible damage to fencing (which has just been replaced). Also can you clarify ownership of the ground and KCC’s authority to carry out such work.
Community Council · 27th April 2022 at 8:58 am
I’ll get someone to contact you
Aileen Green · 27th April 2022 at 10:19 am
Hi Robert, Is this the wee section that runs between the side of the Doctor’s surgery and thru to Burnside ? Cheers Aileen
Community Council · 27th April 2022 at 2:07 pm
yep – that’s the one. Trees suffering from ash dieback and need to be cut down I believe