Plans to radically transform community care in rural southwest Stirling have been backed by Councillors.
An enhancement of not only the type of care offered, but how and where communities can access it, has been approved by the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Integration Joint Board.
Over the past 18 months, residents in the communities of Gargunnock, Kippen, Fintry, Arnprior, Buchlyvie, Balfron, Killearn, Strathblane, Croftamie, Drymen, and the communities of East Loch Lomond have been canvassed for their opinions on local community care.
The consultation unearthed a collective desire for those receiving care to retain the ability to:
- Remain at home in clean, warm, affordable accommodation
- Remain socially engaged and continue with activities that give their life meaning
- To contribute to their family or community
- To feel safe and to maintain independence, choice, control, personal appearance and dignity
- To be free from discrimination
- To feel they are not a ‘burden’ to their own families.
Plans to deliver on this were yesterday (16 June) backed by the IJB, with a report from HSPC officers (item 10.2) outlining aims to provide greater levels of flexibility, choice and control to meet the diversity of community needs and the issues raised through the engagement.
A proposal to declare Strathendrick Care Home surplus to requirements was also approved, after the IJB heard the home was assessed as not being able to meet the needs of those with complex needs, including complex medication and clinical care, in the community.
IJB Chairperson, Cllr Les Sharp, said: “The report made it clear that extensive consultation informed these proposals, which will transform community care in these communities in line with the wishes of the people who live there.
“Declaring Strathendrick surplus to requirements was certainly not a decision taken lightly, but the report clearly outlined its continued current use didn’t match with the desires or needs of the community.
“With this decision, HSCP officers are now empowered to deliver on their proposals and I look forward to seeing the outcomes listed in the report become a reality for the people of rural Southwest Stirling.”
Chief Officer for the Clacks and Stirling IJB, Annemargaret Black, said: “This decision will help us deliver the type of care the community in rural Southwest Stirling has been asking for.
“Our consultation confirmed there is a strong local appetite for the modernisation of the model of care in the area, which includes a move to reduce bed based care where possible because most people prefer to have care delivered in their own homes and to have choice and control which the modernisation of the service will bring.
“A modernised approach was supported at a previous IJB meeting where investment was made to improve support to carers, self-directed support, reablement and technology enabled care.
“This obviously represents a period of change for the community but the shift towards more flexible and person-centred short break care, rather than the one size fits all approach to respite provided at Strathendrick House, is ultimately what the people who live in this area want.
“On the whole, participants were keen to see more person-centred and outcomes-focused care and support for their community, and we believe making the transition to a more modern, short breaks approach will enhance the delivery of self-directed support across rural Stirling.”