Residents across Stirling will shortly receive a letter with details of the Council’s new Garden Waste Recycling Permit.
From 19 April, garden waste will only be collected from brown bins with a valid permit on display.
The annual permit will cost £35 (£1.45 per collection) and is required to be purchased to subscribe to the service. If households don’t want to have this service, food waste will still be collected in the brown bin.
Some households, including those in receipt of a council tax reduction, will receive the permit for free.
Letters will be posted to households throughout March with information on the service change and how to apply for the new permit.
Convener of Stirling Council’s Environment and Housing Committee, Cllr Jim Thomson said: “The introduction of an optional garden waste permit will ensure the Council can continue to provide this important service to residents at a time of severe financial pressures for local authorities.
“It’s also a key part of the transformational changes to our waste service which aim to increase recycling, reduce waste going to landfill and ultimately deliver a better household waste collection service. “We recognise that some people will find it challenging to pay for the permit and that’s why we have included a 100% concession”.
Collecting garden waste is not a statutory service and a number of other Scottish Councils have introduced a Garden Waste Permit in recent years, including Angus, Highland, Perth and Kinross and Clackmannanshire.
Vice Convener, Cllr Danny Gibson said: “More Scottish local authorities are implementing a charge for collecting garden waste but we understand this is a considerable change to a long-standing service.
“We are providing clear guidance and support to residents across Stirling ahead of the transition and our Waste Service will be writing to all residents explaining the change in provision and how it will work.
“There are also additional resources on our website if you have further questions about the new permit or want to provide us with feedback, which we will take on board.”
More information on the Garden Waste and Recycling Permit can be found on the Council website