Stirling Council is seeking the public’s views on its policy for managing trees and woodland across the region.
The Council is responsible for around 15,000 individual trees on land along roads, streets, parks, and other open spaces throughout Stirling.
The new Tree and Woodland Policy, which will contribute to the Council’s wider initiatives and efforts to tackle the climate emergency , details guidelines for managing and inspecting all trees that the Council is responsible for.
It also makes a commitment to increase the number, area, age and species diversity of the Council’s trees and woodlands.
As part of the new Policy, trees would only be felled as a last resort where there is a clear safety risk. The Council would also commit to, where trees do have to be felled, replacing them either in the same location or as close as is suitable.
Convener of Stirling Council’s Environment and Housing Committee, Cllr Jim Thomson said: “We all agree that planting more and more trees can only be a good thing for the environment and for people’s health and wellbeing.
“We are committed to leading the way in averting climate change and, by giving your view on our new Tree and Woodland Policy, you can help shape how we make Stirling a greener, healthier place to live and work for everybody.”
Vice Convener, Councillor Danny Gibson, said: “The new policy will be about much more than just planting trees; it’s about planting the right trees in the right place; monitoring and inspecting all of our trees on a regular basis and advising on the best course of action, should a risk be identified.”
The woodland areas owned and managed by the Council extend to around 400 hectares, delivering a wide range of economic, social and environmental benefits to Stirling’s residents, visitors and businesses. These include:
- Improving biodiversity
- Storing CO2
- Providing shelter in winter and shade in summer
- Health benefits
- Mitigating flood risk.
Please visit the Engage Stirling platform at to view the plan and express your views.
A final version of the Tree and Woodland Policy will be brought before the Environment and Housing Committee for consideration later this year.