The following information has been circulated on behalf of the Police Scotland Prevention, Intervention and Partnerships Divisional Coordination Unit, E Division but is relevant to all communities across Scotland.
The following links are to materials available on NHS Inform website.
Please circulate this as widely as you can to enable us to reach as many people as possible with this vital information. There is translated information regarding COVID-19 provided in Arabic, Cantonese, Farsi, Kurdish (Sorani), Mandarin, Polish, Tigrinya and Vietnamese. The information is also provided in BSL (Youtube video) and in Easy Read English (suitable for children and for people with learning difficulties).
If you look under Download translated versions of our COVID-19 posters (ZIP, 27MB) half way down the page you will find the translated files
BSL videos are available at YouTube
Easy Read documents are available at
For latest news re COVID-19 relative to Police Scotland go to