We’ve had a couple of resignations recently which means that our numbers are below those we need to maintain a legally functioning Council. If you’re interested in representing your community why not come and join us? We are looking for 2 people in the short term with a possibility of increasing to 3 people in future.

To join, you need to complete a nomination form and return it to us. We need to follow a strict process laid down by Stirling Council. This means ‘co-opting’ people for a period after which they may become full Council members.

You can download a copy of the form here.

You’ll need to print it out and fill it in then return it to us by 5 pm on 9th July 2021. That’s around 2 weeks from now.

You can return the form by scanning it and sending it by email to kippencommunitycouncil@gmail..com or posting it through the door of an existing Council office bearer ie

FAO the Secretary, 31 Oakwood, Kippen


FAO the Treasurer, 25 Castlehill Loan, Kippen

As above, we currently have two vacancies for co-option. If we receive more than two applications then the existing Community Council will vote on candidates at a selection meeting shortly after the closing date.

Note that candidates for co-option must be 16 years of age, reside in the local area and be named on the
electoral register for the Community Council area in which they are standing.

We look forward to receiving your applications!


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