Residents may be interested in this communication that was sent out by the head teacher of Balfron High School earlier this week

As you may know, there has been an announcement by the First Minister where she noted Scottish cases have risen to 60 and we have moved to the Delay Stage. She stressed that most people are still in little danger and that the main concern about the impact of this disease is on the elderly and those with existing health concerns.

From today, the medical advice has changed to note that if anyone shows symptoms indicative of Covid-19 then they should stay at home for 7 days.  Symptoms include a fever and persistent cough.

Advice has been issued to schools and Local Authorities that we should cancel school trips.  I will meet with group leaders about this and give further details relating to insurance or possible date changes in due course.  We are liaising with companies and the local authority who coordinate the insurance.

There is no recommendation to close schools at this time. It is believed that pupils are safer in schools where we continue to urge them to follow a good hygiene regime rather than out in the communities mixing with a wider range of people without constant reminders to wash hands.  

School closure will still be considered on an on-going basis.

In preparation for any considered school closure and to support those who are self isolating, I have asked staff to ensure that materials are available to young people electronically.  Most resources are already on Glow.  Show My Homework is our main point of contact.  Some teachers also use google classroom – pupils will be aware of this. 

A sharp focus is on ensuring that our senior phase pupils (S4-6) have completed course work and assessments.  Some of these may be brought forward.  I have met with Principal Teachers to coordinate this. Again, pupils will be alerted to any changes in dates and times.  

To support senior pupils, S4-6 were given the following information today:

  • Show My Homework identified as the key point of communication for staff to share work and resources
  • Where the teacher identifies a Google classroom as the best method for home learning, they will indicate this to pupils and this can be used.
  • Scholar online courses are available in a number of subjects/levels. This is the best link for details:
  • We issued a personalised letter to all pupils with their Scholar username and password. 
  • Where a pupil’s courses do not include Scholar courses, their username/password is blank. This is intentional.
  • Pupils were also issued with a copy of “Your Exams”
  • Pupils have previously been issued with a copy of “Your Coursework”
  • The SQA Zone (in Parent Zone) section of the school website has been updated the new versions of both booklets and other important information.

I would like to reassure you all that we are constantly monitoring this issue and will take all measures necessary, in line with Scottish Government and Local Authority Guidance to ensure the welfare of all members of our community.


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